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Are you a woman who wants to lose 20-50lbs- so you can look and feel great in your favorite clothes? 

With the 90 Day Fit Girl Program, you can lose weight and create a body you love!

Imagine If....

  • You knew exactly what to do to lose 20-50lbs and get in shape-so that you feel confident in your favorite clothes?

  • You knew exactly what to eat to lose weight- without giving up wine, chocolate, and carbs?

  • You could finally stop yo-yo dieting and get results that stick- so you can worry less about losing weight and focus more on living up the best years of your life?

  • You felt hot and confident wearing the clothes that you love, and felt like "that girl" when you look in the mirror?

... Without working out 7 days a week and giving up the foods you love?

Hi! I'm Jocie


After working with my trainer, and applying the right information, I was able to lose 40 pounds, feel confident in my body, and became strong both mentally and physically.


Hi! I'm Jocie, and I founded 90 Day Fit Girl. I know how it feels to try and lose weight - I was once overweight, deeply insecure about my body, wearing only baggy sweatshirts and sweatpants, avoiding any photos, and missing out on making memories because I was so anxious about how my body looked.


I was desperate for a “quick fix”, but quickly realized those diets and programs NEVER yield long lasting results. It was not until I hired my own coach that I realized that in order to see long lasting results you not only need the right information, but you need to know how to apply it.




After my life was changed I wanted to help women reach their goals, and change their lives just like I did.


That's why in 2015 I became a certified trainer. Since then, I have helped other women, just like you, achieve their fitness goals, and feel confident in their bodies.


After years of perfecting my method and putting together my experience, and the experiences of my clients, I put together a program to teach my signature methodology that has allowed my clients to lose weight, wear what they love, and feel confident in their bodies!


That is the "90 Day Fit Girl Program" was born!

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185lbs, wearing only what I found in the plus size section, and avoiding all photos.

145lbs , in the best shape of my life, and not letting my weight hold me back from doing what I love.

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And it's Not Just Me!
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Baylee, 25

Down 30lbs and wearing clothes she hasn't in years!

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"Before the 90 Day Fit Girl Program, I felt exhausted and was going from program to program, creating an endless cycle.

Now, I've lost weight, but my life does not revolve around my body and the trust in myself has been such a game-changer."

Marissa, 25

"I am in a whole new wardrobe! I am wearing clothes comfortably that I haven't fit into in years. I am eating healthier by choice and actually enjoying it."


Down 25lbs in 5 months!

Jen, 46

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What is The
90 Day Fit Girl Program?

90 Day Fit Girl is a 90 day weight loss program for women in who want to lose 20-50lbs and look and feel great in their clothes- without giving up their favorite foods, and feeling restricted on nights out with their friends.

90 Day Fit Girl is designed for busy young women who are creating the life they have always dreamed of- as well as having a ton of fun going out with friends, traveling, and making the most of the best years of their life. (And yes girl, you can lose lbs AND have brunch dates with the girlies 🥂.)

Whether you are just starting your weight loss journey, or you have tried dozens of diets/programs before, 90 Day Fit Girl is here to give you a step-by-step blueprint, custom programming and nutrition guidance, and expert guidance/support, that will allow you to lose weight, feel your best, and have the confidence to wear what you love

When you join, you will learn everything you need to know about losing weight successfully in the Fit Girl Method 4 module course from how to stick to your plan, how and what to eat to lose weight, how to workout less and see better results, and much more.

You will also receive custom workouts and a nutrition guide that grows with you as you see results. No cookie cutter BS here. Your plan is created based off of your experience, equipment, schedule and preferences.

Now, knowledge and a custom plan are great on their own, however, the secret sauce to your success is having someone hold you accountable, that's where I (Jocie, your supa cool coach 💁‍♀️) come in.

If you ever get stuck, or need extra support you are provided with daily in-app messaging, weekly email check-ins, and optional 1-1 office hours with
me! You are never on this journey alone!

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What do You Get When You Sign Up for the Fit Girl Program?


100% custom workouts and nutrition plan.

Custom Program

24/7 text access, weekly check-ins, optional Zoom calls.


Lifetime access to the Fit For Life Method 4 Module Course.

The Fit Girl Course
Module 1: Creating a Plan You Will Stick to
In Module 1, we set you up for success by first creating a strong plan for you to follow. We find your "why", create a schedule that actually works in your lifestyle, as well as find out why you may not be seeing results currently.

Module 2: Nutrition For Weight Loss
In Module 2, you learn everything you need to know about nutrition for weight loss, without giving up your favorite foods. We will learn the basics of nutrition, how to eat for fat loss, how to balance eating out and weight loss, and much more! This step will give you clarity on what you should be eating, how much you should be eating, and how you can have a balanced healthy diet that doesn’t require you to eat only chicken broccoli and rice.

Module 3: Exercise
In Module 3, you will learn about the most effective way to workout to lose weight, tone up to get a "lean" look, and how to maximize your time in the gym so that you can workout less, and see better results.

Module 4: Mindset
Mindset is everything when you are losing weight and developing habits that last for life. In module 4, we unpack common self-sabotaging behaviors (kiss that all or nothing mindset goodbye👋😘) that keep you from hitting your goals, how to create a healthy relationship with food, and how to become more confident and change your relationship with your mind and body for the better.
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See What My Clients Are Saying

"I am in a whole new wardrobe! I am wearing clothes comfortably that I haven't fit into in years. I am eating healthier by choice and actually enjoying it."


"Before, I would dance for work, but outside of that, I would do a beachbody program and then take a bunch of time off, rinse and repeat.

I was always burning myself out. I would get fed up with feeling like crap so I'd do a program. After the program ended, I would feel exhausted and take a long break, creating an endless cycle.

After the program, the trust in myself has been such a game-changer. It's bled through to other parts of my life, and overall, I feel more confident. Knowing that I stuck to this program through hurdles and "real life" has reminded me that it doesn't matter if you do anything perfectly, repetition, or consistency, are the way you are going to get to where you want to be.

If you are considering joining the Fit Girl Program, DO IT. Do it now. You are worth it, and you can do it. Jocie is the ultimate resource, and she will offer you the support you need. There is no "right time" because life is always going to keep moving, so you deserve to have the tools to work WITH the flow of life now."

- Marissa W, MN

Why I'm Different
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  • I know what it's like to be a woman juggling the demands of a busy career, time with family and friends, and traveling. Despite my own busy schedule- I have stayed lean and active!

  • I give you proven systems & structure to accomplish your goals every single week.

  • ​I’ve built a body that I am proud of without restrictive diets or spending hours in the gym. (seriously- I work out 4x a week)

  • I teach you how to change your nutrition and implement an exercise routine you will love!

  • ​I support you with weekly check-ins, as well as daily messaging in my app.

  • I am 100% results-driven - you get lifetime access to the material.

  • I am 100% evidence and science based. 

  • ​I’ll teach you how to develop a healthy lifestyle and mindset around diet and exercise that will give you results for life.

  • I care deeply for your physical health, mental wellbeing, and transformation.

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How to Get Started

 Click the button below to book a Consultation with me.


Fill out the application below and tell me about where you're at now, and what you want to achieve.


After your application is submitted I will follow up with you to book a consultation call if I feel like you'd be a good fit for the program.


At the end of our call, 1 of 2 things will happen: You’ll either be a perfect fit, and I will extend an invitation to work with me as one of my clients,


Or, if it's not a good fit, that’s totally okay too. There won’t be any hard feelings and NO obligations on your part — I will suggest something else you can do to achieve your goals, and point you in the right direction.


Let’s do this!

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My Qualifications
  • ISSA Certified Personal Trainer (2015)​

  • ISSA Certified Exercise Therapist (2017)

  • ISSA Certified Corrective Exercise Specialist (2019)

  • PTDC Certified Online Trainer (2019)

  • Precision Nutrition Coach (2021) 

Providing my clients with the most updated, science backed, and proven solutions is my top priority. That's why I have received specializations in several areas such as nutrition, corrective exercise, as well as safely training clients virtually. Here are some of my qualifications that allow me to give my clients impactful results.

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Download Your Weight Loss Grocery List!

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If you want to lose weight- but you're struggling with knowing what to eat to reach your goals- The Fit Girl Grocery List will make shopping for healthy meals- that will help you lose weight- fast and easy.



Got questions about the program, or about your goals? Send me a message and I will get back to you soon!

- Jocie Cortilet Coaching

Thanks for submitting!

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